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Our STI clinic is funded to offer culturally competent sexual health counseling and testing services to men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, and their sexual partners. If you identify as MSM, transgender, or gender non-binary and are interested in learning more about our counseling and testing services, please call Fenway Health’s Prevention and Screening line at 617.267.0159. Other individuals interested in STI counseling and testing, should call 617.927.6000 to schedule an appointment with a medical provider at Fenway Health. Para información en Español, por favor visite tusaludboston.org.


If you’re comfortable with your doctor, you can usually get HIV and sexually transmitted disease testing anytime by making an appointment with them.

If you’d prefer to receive testing from one of our trained counselors,  we offer confidential HIV & STD testing at several locations around Boston. 

Due to the upcoming holiday schedule, there will be no walk-in clinics on Wednesday, November 21 and Thursday, November 22. Thank you.

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If you’re comfortable with your doctor, you can usually get HIV and sexually transmitted disease testing anytime by making an appointment with them.

If you’d prefer to receive testing from one of our trained counselors,  we offer confidential HIV & STD testing at several locations around Boston. 

Fenway Health

1340 Boylston Street, Boston

walk-in hours:

Wednesdays 4 pm to 7 pm, 2nd Floor
Thursdays and Fridays by appointment.
Call 617.267.0159

AIDS Action

75 Amory Street, Roxbury/J.P.

testing offered by appointment:


566 Columbus Avenue, Boston

walk-in hours:

Monday through Thursday: 11 am – 6 pm
Fridays: by appointment.
Call 617.238.2424

The Borum

75 Kneeland Street 2nd Floor, Chinatown.

walk-in hours:

This site for ages 12 – 29 only
Fridays 9am – 5pm
Or by appointment.
Call 617.457.8140


14 Beacon Street, Suite 301, Beacon Hill

walk-in hours:

This site is for ages 12 – 29 only, with a focus on LGBTQ Youth
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 4 – 7 pm
Call  617.238.2424

Fenway: South End

142 Berkeley Street, 2nd floor

walk-in hours:

Thursdays 4 – 6 pm
or by appointment.
Call 617.267.0159

AIDS Action

359 Green Street (Central Square)

testing offered by appointment:

 Call 617.267.0159

testing for other STDs

By appointment only at Fenway Health’s main location (1340 Boylston Street) and at Fenway South End (142 Berkeley Street)

You could have an infection even if you don’t feel any symptoms, so it’s good to get checked regularly.  Make sure they check all the parts of your body that might have been exposed based on the kind of sex you’ve been having.  If a partner tells you they have an STD, or you have symptoms like burning, itching, discharge, or a rash, call right away to schedule an appointment.

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Call to Learn More


what to expect

HIV testing at our offices:

When you arrive you’ll be asked to fill out some forms, including your name, date of birth and contact information.  If you have health insurance, bring your card with you.  Don’t worry, no one will be turned away due to lack of insurance, and you won’t have any out-of-pocket fees.  All services are confidential.  

Next you’ll meet with a trained counselor who will explain the tests, discuss your possible risks, and cover options for reducing your risk in the future.  This is a great time to ask questions or share anything on your mind. Our trained counselors are here to talk about what you want, and connect you to what you need.  No agenda, no judgements.

We now use highly accurate 4th Generation HIV tests, which can detect HIV within 14 days of exposure.  Our counselors will draw your blood and send it to a lab.  Then we’ll contact you with your results within 7 business days, using your preferred form of contact.

STD testing

STD testing is available by appointment only.  Call 617-267-0159 to book an appointment. When you arrive you’ll be asked to fill out some forms, including your name, date of birth and preferred contact information.   If you have health insurance, bring your card with you.  Don’t worry, no one will be turned away due to lack of insurance, and you won’t have any out-of-pocket fees.  All STD testing services are confidential.  

For STD screening, you will be seen by a registered nurse who will assess your risk and may collect samples from your throat, urine, anus or vagina to test for chlamydia and gonorrhea and draw your blood to test for syphilis, hepatitis C and HIV.

We’ll contact you with your results within 7 business days, using your preferred method of contact.

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All our offices offer state-of-the-art 4th Generation HIV testing that detects HIV antigen as early as 14 days after exposure. Tests that look only for HIV antibodies (often called “3rd generation tests”) can’t detect an HIV infection that soon, because it can take up to 3 months for HIV antibodies to show up in your blood.  Most “rapid tests” are 3rd generation tests. We sometimes use these tests when we offer HIV testing at special events outside our offices, but it’s important to remember that they can’t tell you whether you’ve been infected by something that happened within the past 3 months.


Early detection of HIV can dramatically improve treatment outcomes, and help prevent HIV transmission. Newly infected HIV positive people are among the most infectious.  Many transmissions happen when newly-infected people pass HIV on to others before they know their status.

testing together

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Call to schedule with you & your partner

[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Testing Together” info_icon=”Defaults-heart” icon_bg_color=”#2980b9″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_br_style=”double” icon_br_width=”1″]Get tested together.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Testing Together” info_icon=”Defaults-stethoscope” icon_bg_color=”#2980b9″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_br_style=”double” icon_br_width=”1″]Get tested together.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Testing Together” info_icon=”Defaults-phone” icon_bg_color=”#2980b9″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_br_style=”double” icon_br_width=”1″]Get tested together.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Testing Together” info_icon=”Defaults-clock-o” icon_bg_color=”#2980b9″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_br_style=”double” icon_br_width=”1″]Get tested together.[/info_circle_item][/info_circle]

get tested together

You and your partner can choose to have your HIV test together, with a trained counselor to help you talk through the issues. Testing and getting your results with your partner can help start an ongoing healthy conversation about your relationship and building a protection plan together.

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